Romania joins the group of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE). Its borders have drawn by the Danube and Tisza and Prut rivers. She traverses a total of five neighboring countries such as Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine. It passes through a number of five neighboring countries, such as Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine. The fifth "neighbor" is Black Sea.
The name ' ' Romania “refers to the Latin roots of the country and the people, which in ancient times was a province of the Roman Empire. Nowadays, the Romanian language is the language that is closest to the Latin, as regards grammar, while 60% of the words in the Romanian language are Latin-origin.
238,391 km²
(an 11-country tenth highest in Europe and 79 in the world).
22.930.000 inhabitants, density of 94, 3 habitants / km²
Official language
Religious Denominations
70% orthodoxy, 6% Catholic, 6 percent Protestants, other...
LEU (lei, the plural)
The exchange rate
(13 octobre 2014)
Lei 3.47 USD; Lei 4.40 EUR
Romania is divided into the villages, commons and cities, with 40 departments without having to be included and Bucharest, 263 cities and 2,688 commons. A department or a village, counts 500,000 habitants, with an area of 5,800 m². The largest cities are called "municipalities". Among the 180 communes which have received the name "city", 80 of them have received also title of "municipality", the equivalent of prefectures in France. The commons, basic units of cut territory of the country, may include from 4 up to 5 villages reaching even up to 30 for certain common. The total of Romanian villages is 13285. Bucharest, formerly known as the "Little Paris", is today divided into 6 administrative sectors, each with a mayor. Bucharest is the 3rd city in South-East Europe.
The Shape
Carpathian Mountains with Moldoveanu Peak, including Transylvanian plateaus are surrounded by fertile plateaus at the west of the Prut and Banat. The total length of the borders of this country is 3,181.7 km, of which two thirds (2064.4 km) are land river. This is due in most part of the Danube which stretches from the Iron Gates to the vast Danube surrounded by marshes. Romania also has 287.9 km of sea border (Black Sea). The climate is continental with Carpathians humidity and Dobrogea dry.
Lakes & Rivers
The main hydrological basins of the country are the Danube and the Black Sea. The largest rivers, appearing Mures , Bega , Timis, Cerna , Jiu , Olt , Arges , Siret, Prut River. Danube stretches over a length of 1075 km from the Romanian territory. Moreover, Romania includes about 3,500 lakes covering almost 2620 km², In other words, 1.1 % of the territory. Most of the lakes have an area of one square kilometer. The largest lakes are located around the Black Sea coast and the Danube Delta, while the smallest (less than 0.5 km²) are found in the mountain region.
Key resources
Natural resources
Oil and gas , wood , lignite, hydraulic energy , arable land , salt, iron gold , copper, lead , silver , uranium . Despite this, however, Romania imported much of the resources it needs.
Wheat, maize, sugar beet. Increase or animals: sheep, pigs. Increasing cattle is a little behind. Agriculture has suffered due to the privatization of ¾ of the surface. After a setback (regression) production begins to grow.
Capital which counts 2.351 million habitants, is the largest city in Romania , being also the political, administrative and economy center of the country. The first historical evidence of the city dates from 1459. Between the twelfth and nineteenth century, Bucharest was the capital of Wallachia and since 1862 became the capital of Romania.
Grand Arc mountain range in Central Europe from Poland to Romania, Carpathians reaching 2655 m in Tatra Mountains , being separated by the Alps and the Danube.
Measures 2850 km ( the second longest river in Europe after the Volga ) , born in the Black Forest in Germany pours into a vast delta in the Black Sea .
Prut River
Prut River is the main tributary of the Danube , serving as the border between Moldova and Romania. Born in the Carpathian Mountains, south- west of Ukraine, the Prut flows in southeast direction over a length of 965 km. It flows into the Danube near Galati in Romania . It is a navigable river for a length of 320 km before its confluence with the Danube.
Moldoveanu Peak
It is the highest mountain in Romania, with a height of 543 m .
Black Sea
represents the largest tourist area of the country, with a flora and fauna extremely attractive . Romanian coastline stretches over an area of 245 km , from the nature reserves of the Danube Delta to the modern holiday villages .
The mountains
Ski resorts also attract many tourists who bring money. Especially in Poiana Brasov.
Heritage History
Delta which was classified as a nature reserve by UNESCO attracts a lot of people . The rest of the country is also full of historical insights that will be an asset to for development of the tourism sector . Meanwhile, the region abounds Transylvania Maramures wooden churches built like medieval cities and monasteries .
The nature it is preserved in many places that have remained so wild. The last campaign will show political environment in Romania in terms of the development environment and alternative energy networks.
Population & its distribution
With a population of 23 million habitants, of which 80 % were less than 60 years , Romania is the 9th country in Europe and the second biggest market in Central and Eastern Europe ( after Poland ) . The urban population represents 55 % of the total population, while 45 % of the population lives in rural areas.
From this point of view , Bucharest is the main city of the country , with more than 2.2 million population , followed by other cities such as Iasi , Constanta , Brasov , Craiova , Timisoara , Galati, Cluj- Napoca, which include more than 300,000 inhabitants.
Population by age group :
• between 0-14 years old 19,1%
• between 15-29 years old 24,8%
• between 30-49 years old 27,4%
• between 50-64 years old 15,8%
• 65 years old and more 12,8%
Politicial system ![](/images/BLEU.png)
Romania is a parliamentary republic whose head of state is a president elected by national vote for a term of five years with possibility of renewal.
Parliament consists of two chambers, the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, whose members are both elected by vote national. Romania is a member of several international organizations, such as the EU, UN , WTO , OTAN , IMF.